In 2009, we took on a family project to build a small camp back by the brook , this really isn’t far from the house, but it seems you are miles away from civilization. Dad had talked about it for years, we should build a little camp back here.

Jason, Katelyn, Lucas, Glenn , myself and Dad cleared off a spot and started the “little camp”. The lot clearing involved a huge fire to get rid of some limbs. Of course like most projects we take on, the time of year was an issue and the black flies loved us. It started with a piece of deck that I had scrounged some materials left after the back deck roof project, a couple windows and a door. Roof shingles left from another project in a former life
We got it built.
In the begining we had used propane stove from the tent trailer days. A table, like I remembered from our original family camp, attached to the wall and a prop up leg. 2 chairs and a single bunk in the corner ,with what Dad thought was a perfect spot to watch the apple tree during deer season.
The Bunkie has taken on a new life, There is deck added to the side large enough to lay back on a couple loungers and spend the night stargazing, the floor space is now for camp cots, or an airmatress if prefered or a hammock can be strung up. There is a camping box with the esentials, like a coffee perk, a frypan and few other. There is also compostable toilet on site now for over night guests.
There is a firepit onsite and campfires are encouraged, because whats any better than a campfire.
The view from the camp is stunning down across the meadow and the brook trickling. A little slice of heaven.

This has become our first “Bunkie”,
I have always said a great place to read a book or maybe write one, now I’m thinking blog.